Trail Explorers invites families to play and learn while exploring nature along Huntington’s trail system. Each Trail Explorers session includes a hike and hands-on learning experiences and activities that help kids connect back to nature. Children of all ages can participate in games, crafts and skill building activities while having fun and getting a little dirty!
Upcoming Dates & Locations:
Tuesday, June 11, 9am-11am at Evergreen Park – 1390 Evergreen Rd, Huntington, IN. Meet by the playground pavillion.
Tuesday, July 9, 9am-11am at Lake Clare – 1005 N. Broadway, Huntington, IN. Meet at the south end of the lake by the playground and parking lot.
What to Expect:
Trail Explorers should come prepared for their family outdoor adventure! We recommend all Trail Explorers:
- Dress appropriately for the weather and for hiking on and off trail. This includes wearing sturdy footwear.
- Use sunscreen and insect repellent as appropriate.
- Bring along their own water and snacks. Hiking, fresh air, and sunshine can get the tummy rumbling, so come prepared with a little something to eat and to stay hydrated!
- Practice independence and carry their own backpack or bag with supplies. Although parents will remain with their children, we want to encourage Trail Explorers to be self-reliant.
- Be ready to get a little dirty! Trail Explorers encourages children and adults to connect and engage with nature. This means using all our senses and sometimes getting messy. As such, please wear clothing that can get a little dirty.
At the beginning of each Trail Explorers session we will review our plan for the day’s hike and activities. This will include safety parameters and precautions. We will provide any additional supplies needed for activities. Adults will be responsible for staying with their children throughout the Trail Explorers session. All adults will be asked to complete and sign a waiver for each child prior to participation.
Contingency Plan:
Trail Explorers will plan to hike rain or shine. However, should adverse weather conditions arise, we will do the following to communicate any changes in plans:
1. Post a notice to the HARTA Facebook page.
2. Send out a group email to those who have provided us with addresses.
Why Trail Explorers?
- Trail Explorers aims to foster independence and self-reliance through exploration and awareness of nature and reinforce these with hands-on activities.
- Trail Explorers provides families the opportunity to be active together. Physical activity is important to overall health. Trail walking is an ideal exercise because it is low cost, accessible and requires no training or special equipment – and it’s fun! Being outdoors, on trails or in green spaces, has also been shown to reduce stress and improve various aspects of mental well-being.
- Trail Explorers gives families an opportunity to connect to nature, one another, and our environment. Connecting to and engaging with nature is an important step in learning to notice, appreciate and care for our community and the planet we call home.