Early Bird Runner/Walker and Market Registration is open for Huntington Tails and Trails


HARTA hosted it’s 1st Annual Dinner a Celebration of Trails Thursday, April 13. The room was filled with fellow trail enthusiasts, those who wanted to learn more about what HARTA is, and about trails in our community. Jim Lewis, President of HARTA and Eric Bruce, Vice President spoke on HARTA’s Piece of the Puzzle and how it fits into the trail picture within our community. Anthony Goodnight from the City of Huntington gave a presentation to the group on the current trail happenings and the big picture regarding trails in Huntington. The keynote speaker for the dinner was John Yoder, President of the Pumpkvine Trail who spoke to the group on the Challenges and Importance of Volunteers for making trails a success. Jeff Webb then spoke to the group regarding HARTA’s membership program and ways for fellow trail enthusiast to become involved in HARTA. The evening was concluded with Jim Lewis, President of HARTA presenting the Jim O’Donnell Volunteer of the Year Award to HARTA’s previous president, Jody Schenkel Davenport.

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