We are so thankful to everyone who was able to attend the groundbreaking of a new section of Erie Trail earlier in the month . Specials thanks to all the donors , volunteers, and community members who have made the project a reality. There are so many, but we would like to give a shout out to : Bendix Commercial Vehicle System LLC, Mueller Scherger Foundation , Bippus State Bank, Huntington County Healing Partners, Parkview Huntington Hospital, Parkview Huntington Family YMCA, Huntington County Community School Corp., Pflieger Family, Jim O’Donnell, Jodi Coblentz , Mann’s Inc., Barb & Brooks Fetters, Darlene Stanley, DLZ, Jenna & Richard Strick , Kimmel Financial Services , and the Felke Family. #huntingtonindiana #huntingtonindianatrails #communitysupport #makingtrailshappen
The new section of trail will run from the Parkview Huntington Health Campus to Yeoman Park.