Huntington Trails Beer and Festival tickets are on sale now!


Huntington Area Recreational Trails Association, Inc. (HARTA) mission is to design, develop, construct, and maintain Huntington area multi-use trails and green-ways for public use, and to engage in funding and fundraising in support of that mission.


• Build awareness of the many benefits of recreational trails for the physical, social, relational, and economic well-being of the Huntington area.
• Be an advocate for the development, construction, and expansion of trails which will create an improved quality of life, alternative safe modes of transportation, and sense of vitality for the Huntington area.
• Act as a strategic partner in raising financial resources and volunteer support to ensure the
continuity of a quality network of recreational trails in the Huntington area.
• Educate the citizens of Huntington about the history and heritage of our city being
developed along our railways and rivers.


Trail Expansion in the City of Huntington, IN:
History was made in February of 2015 when Huntington Redevelopment Commission in partnership with the Huntington City Council unanimously passed a public bond issue which will enable the completion of six-plus miles of trails throughout the city of Huntington. It is hopeful that the trails scheduled for construction will be completed sometime in 2016.
Sections already completed include the Forks of the Wabash Trail and the Little River Trail. The Erie Rail Road Bridge has been refurbished for foot traffic and HARTA has secured a Lilly Foundation Grant to build a community pavilion beside the bridge.
Jon and Shelly Schenkel have graciously donated the Erie Rail Road cargo depot to the City of Huntington. It is being refurbished as the main hub for the Huntington trail system and will boast both internal and external gathering areas for trail users.

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HARTA YouTube Video

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