Early Bird Runner/Walker and Market Registration is open for Huntington Tails and Trails


5:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Upper Wabash Interpretive Services
3691 New Holland Rd, Andrews, IN, 46702

Do you like hiking, being outdoors, and maybe evening learning at little something along the way? Then be sure to join us the 1st Saturday of each month, starting May 1 as we hike the beautiful trails at Salamonie Reservoir. Each month with be a new theme, so you never know what you might learn. Great exercise and fun for the whole family. Registration is requested if possible to 260-468-2127.
The $7 Daily Entrance Fee per vehicle for State Parks does apply or you may purchase an Indiana DNR Annual State Park Pass.
There is no cost to participate in the hike once the entrance fee has been paid at the gate or Annual pass has been presented.
We will meet at the Salamonie Lake Interpretive/Nature Center, 3691 New Holland Road, Andrews, IN 46702 in Lost Bridge West. Arrive a few minutes early to visit the Interpretive Center and restrooms; hike departs at 5:00 p.m. Each hike is geared for all ages and will last approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour